
07 April 2016

Shabbath HaChodesh - welcoming Nissan

Shabbat HaChodesh ("Shabbath of the month" שבת החודש) precedes the first of the Hebrew month of Nissan during which Passover is celebrated. 
On the first day of Nissan, G.d presented the first commandment of how to "sanctify the new moon" (kiddush hachodesh) for the onset of Rosh Chodesh and thus Nissan becomes the first month of the Jewish year (counting by months.).
The spiritual cycle of the Jewish year depends on an interaction among the flow of holidays, the marking of Rosh Chodesh (the new month) and the weekly Shabbat (Shabbath) observance. The holidays permeate the surrounding Shabbatot with holiday themes. These special Shabbatot may create the mood for an upcoming festival, reflect or enhance festival themes, or ease the transition from a festival back into the weekly flow of Shabbatot.
Shabbat Hachodesh and our extra torah reading is from Shemot, the initial commandment and description for observing Passover, to remind us to prepare for the holiday.
Passover is the quintessential spring holiday it is about the birth and renewal, of our people, of the earth and of freedom from oppressive power.

Welcoming the month of Nissan and springtime with pebbles art
Spring nature paper dolls


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