
05 January 2017

Needle felt Menorah

Needle felting is the process of felting/tangling one piece of wool to another using barbed needles. The needles take the wool fibers from one piece and drag them through the other piece where they tangle and attach the two pieces. There are two types of needle felting:
Applique felting: attaching wool yarn, wool felt or wool roving to a flat piece of wool fabric or felt. Sculptural felting: creating a three dimensional piece of felt from wool roving.
This panel is made with the applique felt technique, showing a window on a snowing night with the menorah in centre of it.

Almost every mother has heard her child sing with gusto "Banu 'Hochekh' Légarèch, Béyadénou O Vaèch" we came to hunt the dark, we light and fire. The favorite part of the song is the refrain "Soura 'Hochekh' Halea Ch'hor" expel the darkness, the darkness goes away!

 Hannukah is the festival of lights as we commemorate the miracle of the small flask of pure oil, which was enough for the lights of the menorah of the Beit Hamikdash, the Temple, to burn for eight days, the time needed to replenish stocks of olive oil divine service. This is also the victory of the weak against the strong, the few against the many, pure against the impure, the wicked against the righteous ... or more simply: light against darkness. 
Look at one person in front of us, whether an adult or, even more so a child, see a good thing, the quality, the strength and tell him that the light will spread from him. 
This magic circle has effects on the individual and those around him.In this festival of lights, Hanukkah, whose name comes from the Hebrew root meaning Hanoch dedicate (the consecration of the Temple), but also to educate: to enable these small flames in a great light.

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