
06 April 2017

3D Crossing the Sea Kit

The Crossing of the Red Sea (Hebrew: קריעת ים סוף Kriat Yam Suph) is part of the biblical narrative of the escape of the Israelites, led by Moshè, from the pursuing Egyptians in the Book of Exodus 13:17-14:29. 
Moshè held out his staff and the Red Sea was parted by G.d. The Israelites walked on the exposed ground and crossed the sea, followed by the Egyptian army. Moshè again moved his staff once the Israelites had crossed and the sea closed again, drowning the whole Egyptian army.

 3D Crossing the Red Sea in a frame Kit
3D representation of the parting of the Red Sea into a wood frame. Handmade.
All the kit comes inside a wood frame, Egypt picture, the sea walls, felt waves and laminated standing caracters.

Prince og Egypt (Dreamworks)

If you want to see all the movie, you can find it on dvd

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