
25 May 2017

Book of Ruth - Needle felted case

The Book of Ruth is found in the third main division of the Tanach, Ketuvim (Writings). The book has been preserved on parchment and thus came to be known by its Hebrew name of Megillat Ruth, the Scroll of Ruth.
This scroll concerns itself with the Ikvot Meshicha (Ikveta diMeshicha - Aramaic), the approaching footsteps of Mashiach. It concerns itself with the time immediately preceeding the coming of the Mashiach. This is related in the parasha of the “heel”: Eikev
This scroll centers around Ruth, a Moabite widowed princess who spends most of her life alone, without a husband, family, and kinsmen. Her life is filled with hardship as she gleans grain in order to have enough to eat. She has no other way to live. Why does she choose to leave her father’s palace in Moab to become a pauper in a foreign land? We will explore the answer to this question later in our study.
Why read Ruth on Shavuot?
There are seven reasons why we read the Megillah of Ruth on Shavuot:
1. The events occurred during the harvest season. Shavuot is the Harvest Festival.
2. Ruth was a convert to Judaism. Conversion is an individual "Kabbalat HaTorah".
3. Ruth the Moabite was permitted to marry Boaz, based on a drasha of the verse, "A Moabite may not marry into the Congregation of HaShem" (Devarim 23:4). This hints at the unity between the Written Torah and the Oral Torah.
4. King David was born on Shavuot. The Megillah of Ruth concludes with David's lineage.
5. To teach the greatness of Gemillut Chassadim, acts of loving-kindness.
6. To teach that the Torah is acquired only through affliction and poverty.
7, The name "Ruth" has the numerical value of 606. At Har Sinai the Jewish People accepted 606 mitzvot, in addition to the 7 Noachide Laws. 




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