
02 October 2017

DIY chalk lantern jar for Sukkot

During the week long festival of Sukkot, Jews live and eat in huts called Sukkahs. These huts mimic what farmers slept in during ancient harvests and are a way to honor the 40 years they lived in the desert. What are some ways to celebrate?

Make a sukkah: The traditional hut is sturdy enough to last all week, has a thatched roof made of leaves and sticks so you can see the stars.
And decorate it!
Eat and sleep in the sukkah! Traditionally, you can eat every meal and sleep in the sukkah too. (Weather permitting.)

Have a simple DIY chalk markers mason jar project to hag in your  wonderful Sukkah.

To start this chalk paint mason jar project and create your Sukkah lanterns first start with the materials list. Choose to your taste and color choices.
Clear glass mason jars

Chalk Markers. 

Stationery Island chalk markers 3mm

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