
03 January 2018

Giant felt dreidels

Dreidel is Yiddish for "spinning top." A dreidel is a pointed, four-sided top which can be made to spin on its pointed base. Dreidels are normally made of plastic or wood, though there are silver or glass "designer dreidels" available on the market, usually intended for display purposes. It is customary to play dreidel games on the holiday of Chanukah.
It is told that the dreidel, known in Hebrew as a sevivon, dates back to the time of the Greek-Syrian rule over the Holy Land—which set off the Maccabean revolt that culminated in the Chanukah miracle. Learning Torah was outlawed by the enemy, a "crime" punishable by death. The Jewish children resorted to hiding in caves in order to study. If a Greek patrol would approach, the children would pull out their tops and pretend to be playing a game. Read the Chanukah story here.
By playing dreidel during Chanukah we are reminded of the courage of those brave children.

Giant felt hanging dreidels


Dreidel Game: Who will play with me? 

The Dreidel that Wouldn't Spin: A Toyshop Tale of Hanukkah

The Parakeet Named Dreidel




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