
17 January 2018

Tevet board

Tevet is the 10th month on the Jewish calendar, counting from Nissan. Its name, which is mentioned in the book of Esther, was acquired in Babylonia, and shares a root with the Hebrew word tov, meaning “good.”
This month begins with the last days of Chanukah. By internalizing the message of the ever-increasing lights of the menorah we are able to reveal the good that is hidden in our lives and in the world around us.
The 10th of Tevet is a fast day, commemorating the start of the siege of Jerusalem in the year 3336 (425 BCE), which led to the destruction of the first Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) three-and-a-half years later on the ninth of Av.
The month of Tevet brown paper board 

The Laws & Customs of Rosh Chodesh

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