
25 February 2018

Cardboard Ahasuerus horse

Sleep eluded the king that night, so he asked his servants to read for him from the Royal Chronicles. They complied with the king's orders. They read from the Chronicles how Mordechai saved the king's life when two of his chamberlains hatched a plot to kill him.
"Was he rewarded for this fine act?" Ahasuerus asked. "No he was not," the servants responded.
At that moment Haman entered the king's courtyard. His purpose? To ask the king's permission to hang Mordechai! Before Haman could utter a word, Ahasuerus addressed him: "My Haman, in your estimation, what shall be done to a person whom the king wishes to honor?"
Haman, who was certain that the king wished to honor him, responded: "Bring royal garment and a royal horse. And let one of the king's nobles dress the man and lead him on the horse through the city streets, proclaiming before him, 'So is done for the man whom the king wishes to honor!'"
"Great idea," Ahasuerus responded. "Now go get the garments and the horse and do so for Mordechai the Jew!"
Haman had no choice but to comply. On the next day he went and honored Mordechai as the king had ordered, and then immediately rushed to join the king and Esther for...
Cardboard horse for Mordechai
Cardboard (an old box or two)
Dala horse template (I blew this up 125%) 

Scissors or an Exacto knife
Cutting mat (if you are using the Exacto knife)

Washi tape - blue, pink, gold.
Download the template and cut out the horses. Using an exact knife and cutting mat makes it so much easier if you are doing many. But if are doing just a few you could get away with using a good pair of scissors. Decorate it with washi tape.

The Purim Superhero

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