14 May 2015

Behar - Bechukotai

This week's double reading, Behar-Bechukotai, speaks about the Sabbatical and Jubilee years, laws regulating commerce and the redemption of slaves. It also contains a vivid description of the rewards for observing G‑d's commandments and the series of punishments that will befall us if we choose to disregard them. The Torah then discusses different types of gifts given to the Temple, and the animal tithe.
We are promised incredible blessing if we diligently study Torah and observe the mitzvot. The blessings include plentiful food, timely rain, security, peace in the land, the elimination of wild animals from the land, and incredible military success. And more blessings: An overabundance of crops and G‑d's presence will be revealed in our midst. 

With this we conclude the Book of Vaiykrà.

Home abundance of plants
 Painted stones

10 May 2015

Emor - the omer

After making brief mention of the Shabbat, the Torah talks about the holiday of Passover and the mitzvah of eating matzah. On the second day of this holiday, an "omer" barley offering is brought in the Temple. This is followed by a seven-week counting period that culminates with the holiday of Shavuot. After discussing the Shavuot Temple service, the Torah briefly interrupts the holiday discussion to mention the obligation, when harvesting fields, to leave certain gifts for the poor.
 Wheat drawing
... and my daughters too did their wheat drawing, in brown and green.
CD case Omer counter
Meditative wheat drawing about counting the omer
Chose a simple drawing that is  related to the theme of Counting the Omer…wheat. Drawing a stalk of wheat is just a few basic shapes that don’t need to be perfect. 
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