
09 October 2012

Shemini Atzeret Tefillah Geshem

As we have passed through all of the holidays and advance towards the winter we have begun to recite Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem – G-d brings forth wind and advances rain- the Geshem-Gashmiut also means physicality, earthly, practical i.e. in the current real world that we live in.

There are two thoughts that come to mind as to why the Talmud instructs us to begin saying this prayer at this time.
• The obvious one is that since at the end of Sukkoth the world is judged and apportioned how much rain will fall all over the earth we now appropriately recite Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem - G-d brings forth wind and advances rain- because the Rainy Season has officially begun.
• Additionally – after the hours and days that we spent in synagogue, at our tables in our Sukkoth….. involved in prayer, repentance and kindness NOW is the time to nurture our hopes, plans and dreams for the year to come. NOW is the time to pour water on the seeds we have planted during the months of Elul and Tishrei.
Rabbi Ephraim Epstein 

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