
07 October 2012

Simcha Torah

Simchat Torah is a celebratory Jewish holiday that marks the completion of the annual Torah reading cycle. Simchat Torah literally means "Rejoicing in the Law" in Hebrew.
Throughout the year, a set portion of the Torah is read each week. On Simchat Torah that cycle is finished when the last verses of Deuteronomy are read. The first few verses of Genesis are read immediately afterward, thereby starting the cycle again. For this reason, Simchat Torah is a joyous holiday celebrating having completed the study of G.d's word and looking forward to hearing those words again during the coming year.
Because Simchat Torah is such a happy day, services are not as formal as at other times. Some congregations will drink liquor during the service, others will make a game out of singing so loud that they drown out the cantor's voice. 
Overall the holiday is a unique and joyful experience.


SIMCHA TORAH coloring page HERE

Simcha Torah flags

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