
21 May 2015

Shavuot Bikkurim painting

Shavuot - Hag ha'Bikkurim or Festival of the First Fruits.
In the Bible Shavuot is called Hag Matan Torateinu, Hebrew for the Festival of the Giving of Our Torah, or Hag ha-Bikkurim which is Hebrew for Festival of the First Fruits, as well as Hag ha-Katzir or the Festival of the Harvest
Shavuot was also the first day on which individuals could bring the Bikkurim (first fruits) to the Temple in Jerusalem . The Bikkurim were brought from the Seven Species for which the Land of Israel is praised.
Jewish farmers would tie a reed around the first ripening fruits from each of these species in their fields. At the time of harvest, the fruits identified by the reed would be cut and placed in baskets woven of gold and silver. The baskets would then be loaded on oxen whose horns were gilded and laced with garlands of flowers, and who were led in a grand procession to Jerusalem.
Bikkurim offering painting and border

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