
21 May 2015

Meghillat of Ruth and paper case

The Book of Ruth is recited as part of the program of study for Shavuot night. Additionally, in many synagogues it is read publicly on the second day of Shavuot. There are several reasons for this custom:
Shavuot is the birthday and yahrtzeit (anniversary of passing) of King David, and the Book of Ruth records his ancestry. Ruth and her husband Boaz were King David’s great-grandparents.
The scenes of harvesting described in the book of Ruth are appropriate to the Festival of Harvest.
Ruth was a sincere convert who embraced Judaism with all her heart. On Shavuot all Jews were converts,having accepted the Torah and all of its precepts.

Illustrated Meghillat of Ruth paper case
IIlustrated meghillat for children case made with roll of paper towels covered with wrapping paper.
Download the illustrations HERE 

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