
21 May 2015

Shavuot greetings "bags"

It is customary to eat dairy foods on the first day of Shavuot. There are a number of reasons for this custom. On the holiday of Shavuot, a two-loaf bread offering was brought in the Temple. To commemorate this, we eat two meals on Shavuot, first a dairy meal, and then, after a short break, we eat the traditional holiday meat meal.
With the giving of the Torah, the Jews became obligated to observe the kosher laws. As the Torah was given on Shabbat, no cattle could be slaughtered nor could utensils be koshered, and thus on that day they ate dairy.
The Torah is likened to nourishing milk. Also, the Hebrew word for milk is chalav, and when the numerical values of each of the letters in the word chalav are added together 8 + 30 + 2—the total is forty. Forty is the number of days Moses spent on Mount Sinai when receiving the Torah.

On Shavuot we therefore eat dairy products and then take a break before eating meat in order to demonstrate our commitment to this mitzvah.

Pom pom ice cream cones greetings
Making pom poms is a favorite amusement for kids. It’s easy and you can choose your favorite colors. With pieces of an egg carton turn the pom poms into to ice creams greetings for Shavuot.
You need yarn, scissors, egg cartons, acrylic paint and a brush. You will also need glue, we have use a glue gun.

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