
08 December 2015

Pebbles Hanukkah wreath - Whising you an Happy Hanukkah

To all my Dear Readers and friends following or visiting Our Jewish Little Place, wishing you a wonderful Hanukkah, Hanukkah Sameach!!!!.
May your homes and lifes be filled with joy and light. Little lights can banish a huge and deep darkness and to fill people with hope for a better and brighter world where to live peacefully.

Greetings tags

 One minute mini collection of Hanukkah different tags. Just print and laminate

02 December 2015

Hanukkah decorations

Tissue Star of David. Hanging decorations for Hanukkah

01 December 2015

Hanukkah decorations

Handmade wood star of David place marks for Hanukkah table

Hanukkah jars

Holiday jars for handpainted wood dreidels and gelts.

Pine cones stars

Winter pine cones handmade six pointed stars, could be nice decorations for Hanukkah too.

Hanging Hanukkah decorations

Hanging six pointed star decorations handpainted with glittering menorah for Hanukkah

Hanukkah...homemade menorah 3

Homemade menorah made with used Hanukkah decorations. We had these hanging lights decorations at home that did not work anymore so I decided to used them to create a new menorah for children on a wood basis.

Hanukkah...homemade menorah 2

Corks handmade menorah. Easy to do and geometric menorah made of corks, Just collect them,  glue them in  and decorate as you like. the best way you like

Hanukkah...homemade menorah 1

Toy dinosaur menorah for children. Homemade, quick , easy to do and the children... will love it!

Hanukkah tablecloth

White cotton tablecloth handpainted and decorated with Magen David stamps and glittering menorah.

29 November 2015

Simple as pasta...

Lasagna, rigatoni, farfalle....simple as pasta is...a simple menorah made of different types of pasta.

Chaye Sarah - Rivka and water

In Chayei Sarah Abraham's servant travels to Aram to find a wife for Yitzack: Rivka.
The servant set out for his master's homeland and evening time found him beside the city well. He prayed for success in his mission, and asked for a heavenly sign to confirm his choice of a girl for Yitzack. He would ask a maiden for a drink of water, and the one who would answer: "Certainly, and I'll also give your camels to drink as well," would be the proper choice. Immediately a young lady approached and in response to the servant's request for a drink, she offered to give his camels to drink too. Upon questioning her, he discovered that she was Abraham's great-niece, Rivka.

As Eliezer stood by the well in Charan, Rivka walked toward it. The posuk tells us that as soon as Eliezer watched Rivka begin to draw water, he raced toward her and asked her the pre-determined questions. The gracious response led to our destiny.
The Medrash questions why Eliezer raced forward to greet Rivka. It answers that as Rivka went to draw water, Eliezer saw a miraculous event. As she lowered her bucket, the waters in the well rose to greet her. Therefore Eliezer ran to greet this maiden, as this was a spiritual individual who must truly be Yitzchak’s bashert (pre-ordained). 

To associate water miracle with Rivka create a water gift for your children friends. Arrange to get some Yarden water from Israel then pour into glass ampoules and label them. Add some white sand or shell grains if you like.
download ampoules labels  HERE

Hannukah garland

download the garland here
or go to • ©2013 My Own Labels | Evermine

Countdown to Channukah

Soon this year Hannukah crafts will be ready to post..meanwhile we start Channukah countdown with some printables you can find looking around the web...

Jeans cases

Many ways to upcycle used jeans.

Winter syrup of pine cones

Homemade of syrup of pine cones from pines cones collected at 1880m in the Alps.

Pine cones cough syrup has quickly moved from the underbelly of natural remedies into the mainstream spotlight due to its potency in alleviating symptoms associated with post nasal drip and respiratory illnesses. The most impressive part? This medicine utilizes 100% natural and cheap and/or free ingredients, which makes it an ideal choice for those seeking to minimize their exposure to synthetic chemicals or when access to pharmaceuticals is unavailable, such as during a natural disaster or camping trip.
The Ingredients
The potency of cone needle cough syrup is only matched by its simplicity. To make this homemade medicine, all you need is:
  • ¼ cup of pine needles (specifically from the Eastern White Pine)
  • ½ cup of filtered water
  • ½ cup of raw sugar (preferably from a local source)
Step One
– Pour the water and cones into a pot and bring the water to wash them properly until the water has adopted a brownish-yellowish hue.
Step Two – Strain the cones out of the water and let them dry.
Step Three – put the cones into a glass jar and add the sugar into jar until youu cover the cones. Let to rest the ingredients in a sunny warm place until the liquid transforms into a syrup-like consistency.
Step Four – Once the liquid has thickened, pour into a resealable glass jar and allow it to rest.
Step Five – Consume 1 to 2 teaspoons as needed to control your cough and soothe throat and lung irritation. Refrigerate between uses.

02 November 2015

Vayiera - the paper oak

“Adonay appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the door of his tent in the heat of the day” (Bereshit. 18:1).
The Oak of Mamre (also called the Oak of Sibta), at Hirbet es-Sibte, two kilometres southwest of Mamre also called The Oak of Abraham is an ancient tree which, in tradition, is said to mark the place where Abraham entertained the three angels or where Abraham pitched his tent. It is estimated that this oak is approximately 5,000 years old. 

Build an oak with children: a roll of paper, markers, scissors and true leaves picked from a tree. Add a squirrel to your oak if you like.

20 October 2015

A creative friend from Italy - "Il diario di Andrea" blog

Happy to host: Lifestyle of a very special woman!
 Visit Andrea's diary and enjoy reading her view of life

Noach - Pop Up animals shapes

While society as a whole descended into a state of anarchy and utter corruption, only Noah remained righteous and faithful to G‑d's ways. Noah was informed by G‑d that a mabul ("flood") will soon destroy all of civilization, and only Noah and his immediate family would survive in a teivah ("ark," boat) that he was to build. G‑d gave Noah the exact dimensions of the teivah he was to build, and commanded Noah to bring along into the teivah specimens of every species of animal and bird to repopulate the world after the mabul, and to stock the boat with food to feed all its inhabitants.
Pop up paper abstract shapes of animals. Draw the shape of the animals you like the most, cut the and laminate. Create your abstract pop up ark...

Bereshit - the fifth day

In the Torah's opening reading, Bereishit, G‑d creates the world in six days and rests on the seventh. Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge and are expelled from the Garden of Eden. Cain slays Abel and is punished accordingly. Enumeration of the ten generations between Adam and Noah, the birth of Noah, and the degeneration of mankind.
We still focus on the section that recounts the story of creation in six days. On the first day G‑d made darkness and light. On the second day He formed the heavens, dividing the "upper waters" from the "lower waters." On the third day He set the boundaries of land and sea and called forth trees and greenery from the earth. On the fourth day He fixed the position of the sun, moon and stars. 

Fish, birds and reptiles were created on the fifth day

Create a DIY sea diorama inside an upcycled jar. It is easy  to make and simple while talking about the days of creation with children. Use some gravel or shells dust ( you can find it at pet shops), add some small pebbles, an plant for aquarium and a coloured stone. Finish with one or two toys fishes. Take care to add boiled  water or distilled water to prevent lime deposits.

19 October 2015

Shabbath Shalom

Time to rest and have joy.
Stop, park, leave your car  and enjoy a family Shabbath meal...
Let's play!

Parashah cards

Each card features a drawing portraying a major topic discussed in the Parashah. It also includes information such as the number Parashah it is in the Torah, the number of Mitzvos the Parashah contains and the number of Pesukim, words and letters of which the Parashah is comprised. Utilize these cards to help  recall the names of the Parashot, the order in which they are read, the main events occurring in each Parashah and more! 
Why don't distribute the cards as a behavioral incentive or as a gift L’chvod Shabbos each week... From
Download the cards and instruction here

Homemade geoboard

The Geoboard is a tool for exploring a variety of mathematical topics introduced in the elementary and middle grades. Learners stretch bands around pegs to form line segments and polygons 
Geoboards offer opportunities for hands-on exploration of geometric concepts, including shapes, symmetry, congruency, area, perimeter, coordinates and spatial relationships.
An homemade geoboard is quite simple ti do. Take a wooden cutting board and some nails. Paint your cutting board and plant the nails following the geometric pattern that you have drawn first on the chopping board. Put rubber bands ...and play
Try a virtual geoboard here

Decorated fall leaves with raindrops

Cheshvan is the second month of the Jewish calendar counting from Rosh Hashanah. Cheshvan is the only month that does not have any holidays or special mitzvot. We are taught that it is “reserved” for the time of Moshiach, who will inaugurate the Third Temple in the month of Cheshvan.
The great flood in the days of Noach began in this month, and it was a year later, also in the month of Cheshvan, that Noach left the ark.
Cheshvan is called the month of bool (בּוּל) a name that stems from the word for “flood” (מַבּוּל). The flood began on the 17th of Cheshvan, and ended the following year on the 27th of Cheshvan. On the following day, the 28th of Cheshvan, Noach brought his sacrifice to God and God swore never again to bring a flood upon the earth to destroy all mankind, and then revealed the sign of His covenant with the world, the rainbow.

Collect the first autumn leaves, decorate them (the children will really like it) with brushes or permanent markers. Laminate the leaves in a single composition. On a sheet of glossy transparent drawn with the marker some raindrops. Make it rain on the leaves by joining the two sheets.

Lulav and Etrog miniature

Every day of Sukkot (except Shabbat) we take the arba minim, a.k.a. “Four Kinds.” Sukkot is a seven-day holiday starting on 15 Tishrei and concluding on 21 Tishrei.
What are the four kinds? A palm branch (lulav), two willows (aravot), a minimum of three myrtles (hadassim) and one citron (etrog). The first three kinds are neatly bundled together,byour arba minim vendor can assemble it for you.
Not all sets of arba minim on the market are kosher. Check with your rabbi.
Arba minim is a man’s obligation. For women, it’s optional but encouraged. 

Best place for doing this mitzvah is the sukkah, the outdoor holiday booth.

Miniature of Lulav and Etrog made of air dry polymer clay.  Children will enjoy make plenty pf them! You can use them as placeholders for your guests at your Sukkah table.

Sukkah decorations

During the seven days of Sukkot, the Sukkah is the hearth of the home. Here, we eat our meals, receive our friends and family, and rejoice in the bounty of the season.
According to tradition, the roof of your Sukkah should be open enough to let the stars shine through. It should also be made of something that once grew. Ideas include bamboo, tree branches, palm fronds, brilliant fall foliage, or cornstalks ...
The decoration in your Sukkah can be fancy or it can be as simple as an upcycled jars painted gold and decorated with strass, beads and anything that you like that shines. Afterward you can use them as lanterns to illuminate your sukkah or as a pot to put flowers into.

22 September 2015

21 September 2015

Jonah and the fish figures.

In less than 24 hours from this evening, we will stand before Hashem in judgment. This is a time of waiting and awe. 
On Yom Kippur, more than any other day, we must think about how we can do better with people, and learning how to be a kind, generous person. Caring about others starts in the home. While we strive to become better people and pray for blessing we remember that the most important thing is taking our families with us. 
G’mar Chatima Tova!

Jonah and the fish figures for  Board Bible Stories-precut

it becomes as you prefer, even laminated on a rubber board...

Jonah is the central character in the Book of Jonah. Commanded by G.d to go to the city of Nineveh to prophesy against it "for their great wickedness is come up before me," Jonah instead seeks to flee from "the presence of the Lord" by going to Jaffa, identified as Joppa or Joppe, and sailing to Tarshish, which, geographically, is in the opposite direction. A huge storm arises and the sailors, realizing that it is no ordinary storm, cast lots and discover that Jonah is to blame. Jonah admits this and states that if he is thrown overboard, the storm will cease. The sailors try to dump as much cargo as possible before giving up, but feel forced to throw him overboard, at which point the sea calms. The sailors then offer sacrifices to G.d. Jonah is miraculously saved by being swallowed by a large whale-like fish in whose belly he spends three days and three nights. While in the great fish, Jonah prays to G.d in his affliction and commits to thanksgiving and to paying what he has vowed. G.d commands the fish to spew Jonah out.

14 September 2015

Shanà tovà!!

Wishing You All Dear Readers And Friends A Shanà Tovà!!
May the new year bring  to you all many blessings and good health, be sweet to you and your families.
Wherever you are, near and far or virtual.

03 September 2015

Tashlich children reminder

On the first day of Rosh Hashanah after the afternoon prayer, we go to a lake, river or sea (preferably a body of water that has fish), and recite the Tashlich prayers, wherein we symbolically cast our sins into the water and leave our old shortcomings behind us, thus starting the new year with a clean slate.
If the first day of Rosh Hashanah falls on Shabbat, Tashlich is done on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. If one is unable to perform this ceremony on Rosh Hashanah, one may do so until the last day of Sukkot (this year, October 4, 2015).
Click here for more about Tashlich, including many reasons for this ancient ritual.
To create fishes take a Styrofoam ball, choose the size of your choice (I chose balls of 5 cm in diameter). Cover the ball with a crochet: use a crochet n2 and cotton yarn thin, white and blue. Create two hemispheres, one white and one blue, enter the Styrofoam ball between the two and sew them together with the blue yarn creating, while sewing, fins and tail.
Use two small button for the eyes. 
On the top of the fish crochet some chain to make a hole to hold the metal ring.