10 March 2016

Mishloach Manot Ideas and Inspiration 1

Purim is celebrated on the 14th of Adar and is the most fun-filled, action-packed day of the Jewish year. It commemorates our nation’s miraculous salvation more than two millennia ago.

On Purim, we emphasize the importance of friendship and community by sending gifts of food to friends.
On Purim day, March 24, send a package containing at least two different ready-to-eat food items and/or beverages to at least one Jewish acquaintance during the daylight hours of Purim. Men send to men and women to women.
It is preferable that the gifts be delivered via a third party. Children, in addition to sending their own gifts of food to their friends, make enthusiastic messengers.
 So many mishloach manot in mind... so little time. It is a shame we onlysend mishloach manot  once a year ! I’ve been collecting some ideas for Purim Baskets on my Pinterest Board. On the board you can find cute DIY ideas for themes as well as packaging even if not all examples show the correct halachos of mishloach manot.
Infact the main points regarding what can be included are:
Two different foods (or drink) should be included.
The foods or drink should not require preparation, meaning they are ready to eat.
To be sure AISH has a great summary of the rest of the Laws of Mishloach Manot but as always, consult your rabbi for the correct customs of your community.

How did Haman get the news across 120 countries?  He used couriers of course!  This Mishloach Manot goes back in time with an ancient looking map.  To get the look, wrap a map paper or book map around  a 2" paper tube. You can fill the tube with any candy or chocolates you want.  A cute horse cookie and ribbon adds a nice finishing touch.

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